
Check out the project made for the Volkswagen Beetle Targa

A designer created an amazing Volkswagen Beetle Targa project.

Robert was the great creator of this project, he is a specialist in CGI for RWBs, of altered cars and that are not original of the Beetle model.

So Robert is a content creator for social networks, and is a resident of Belo Horizonte. He is also known as rob3rtdesign, on his social media.

His latest project was an amazing Beetle 911 Targa RWB. Anyway, Robert proved and showed a dream come true, a very flashy car with a great performance.

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Surely the designer is crazy about his Targa transformations. He recently showed a design of a Shelby Cobra, with the retractable roof and Targa features.

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despite the fact that Volkswagen Porsche GT3 Beetle got a very modern style, it is still only in virtual project.

The great designer showed the project in a 360º video, even used some effects to change the color of the car.

It also showed that the roof part was not made only with canvas, but with a special carbon fiber for the model.

Source: Digital Agglomerate

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