Old cars

Volkswagen Beetle chassis 0003 year 1939 was valued at R$1.3 million

This Volkswagen Beetle 1939 was abandoned for several years, it has chassis 0003, so it is a very rare model.

The Beetle is one of the oldest in the world, and had to be restored after it caught fire and was almost destroyed.

Finally the car has been fully restored and currently valued at approximately R$ 1,300,000.00.

Responsible for this incredible restoration was the Museum “Prototyp Automuseum”, which is located in Hamburg, Germany. He did all the work and left the Beetle impeccable again.

After restoration, the 1939 Volkswagen Beetle was valued at €300,000, around R$ 1.3 million.

It was only in 1948 that the Beetle was found, still without an engine. He was in a shed belonging to the Raffay family, who owned a dealership located in Germany.

It's definitely one of the oldest Beetles, that's why it was so valuable, a very rare model.

The model known as pre-series Volkswagen 39, with chassis 1-0003, or at least what was left of it after the fire that had in 2011 in the Raffay shed.

In this fire there were other rare cars, which were also destroyed. One of them was the Lohner-Porsche, a model built by Ferdinand Porsche in 1901, it was a hybrid (electric and gasoline).


Anyway, every June 22nd, lovers from all over the world celebrate the “International Day of the beetle”, a celebration considered worldwide.

That was the date that Ferdinand Porsche signed with the National Association of the Automobile Industry, to create and develop projects with Volkswagen, in the year 1934.

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In 1995 there was a group with Fuscas Fans who participated in a meeting. So they decided to choose the 22nd of June to take the Beetles out of the garages and go to work with them.

So this date gained fame in Bad Camberg, Germany and around the world, there are even some Brazilians who still continue with this ritual.

Here in Brazil we have our own date, the National Beetle Day, which is every January 20th. It was the official day that the Volkswagen Beetle was launched here in Brazil, in 1959.

Source: Fixed World
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